Health Technology Assessment News


Assess your pricing strategy for your health technology with us!

Please find details and registration link below and promotion materials attached. Registration deadline is September 21.

Title: Principles of early phase health technology assessment (webinar)

Short description: the webinar will explore the rationale why early phase technology assessment is necessary for developers and investors to make informed decisions about investment to the development of medical devices and digital health technologies, and provide an overview on the methods used in such assessment. A webes szeminárium feltárja, miért van szükség a korai fázisú technológiai értékelésre a fejlesztők és a befektetők számára, hogy megalapozott döntéseket hozzanak az orvostechnikai eszközök és a digitális egészségügyi technológiák fejlesztésére irányuló beruházásokról, és áttekintést nyújtanak az ilyen értékelés során alkalmazott módszerekről.

Title: Theory and practice of early phase health technology assessment

Short description: the webinar will explore the rationale why early phase technology assessment is necessary for developers and investors to make informed decisions about investment to the development of medical devices and digital health technologies, and provide an overview on the methods used in such assessment. Short description: Early phase technology assessment is essential to validate pricing assumptions and business models prior to making significant investment to the development of medical devices and digital health technologies. However, such assessment requires special skills in health economics, market research and related sciences. The 3-day short course - in addition to providing insights to key theories - will introduce case studies for participants to develop technology assessment tools and apply them for strategic pricing, indication selection and go-no go decisions.

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