EIT Health RIS Innovation Call backs 15 new healthcare consortia
The call supports innovation from emerging Europe
Fifteen innovative healthcare projects, involving consortia from eight countries in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, have been chosen for support through the EIT Health RIS Innovation Call for 2020. Now in its second year, the call, put out by the EIT Health Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS), supports development of healthcare innovation in regions that are rated as progressing by the European Innovation Scoreboard.
Four winners to share podium
In 2020 Romania (4), Portugal (3), Slovenia (2), and Italy (2) finished among the most successful countries in terms of awarded consortia. Other supported projects come from Croatia, Czechia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovenia.

More about EIT Health RIS Innovation Call:
In total the EIT Health RIS Innovation Call supported 27 consortia of healthcare innovators in 2019-2020 from more progressing European regions. After the last year’s success, the programme continued this year with the aim to fund high-quality, strong and balanced projects by local academic institutions and research teams.